LDA city phase-1 plots

LDA city Phase One balloting

LDA City Phase One Balloting

LDA City Phase One balloting: Housing Minister Mian Mahmood Rasheed SM Imran and DGLDA Muhammad Usman Moqam have done impossible things by working hard day and night. Dr. Murad Ras All Phase One files of LDA Lahore City() with 'drawing Kantija' plot numbers are available on LDA website www.lda.gop.pk Owners can enter their file number and plot number it's about finding out. Provincial...

LDA city phase-1 (Jinnah Sector) plot owners to deposit 4th development charges by June 30th

LDA city phase-1 plots The Lahore Development Authority has now decided not to extend the deadline for the installation of Phase 4. Upgrade blocks in LDA city phase-1 plots of June 30, 2021. The last time store the fourth batch set June 30, 2021, by IDA. LDA city phase-1 plots installment. The LDA has already charged half the actual upgrade fee from the files - they are.May result in delays in the...

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