LDA City Plots Rate


LDA City Lahore Tenders

LDA City Lahore Tenders: PCC, Sewerage and water supply UC-214, Installation of iron fences, construction of roads/tuff tiles/boundary walls: Ravi, Nishter, Mehran and Kashmir Block, PCC Carpeting in UC-86, Construction / Rehabilitation of roads tuff tiles in UC-209, Laying of tuff tiles/ Re-carpeting / widening of roads UC-210,211, Re-carpeting of roads in Zeenat, Nargis and Huma Block,...

LDA City Commercial Plots Application

LDA City Commercial Plots Application The LDA has received 12,789 applications for the lottery. Total of 7516 applicants submitted challan fees. 3176 applicants in five marla categories submitted challan fees. 2619 applicants in seven marla categories submitted challan fees. 845 applicants submitted challan fees in ten marla categories. 876 applicants submitted...

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